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Evans Food Sensitivity Assessment for Adults
Have you ever found yourself in a state of despair – a place where you can’t see a way forward in your situation and feel you have run out of options? What do you do then? Do you throw up your hands and give up, accepting your situation as hopeless or do you continue to look for a ray of hope somewhere new?
What we call despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope.
George Eliot
This quote by George Eliot speaks to what I believe to be true – that it is having a sense and belief in the power of hope that enables us to persevere in the midst of difficult situations. When we lapse into despair, , it is often only because we have lost our sense of hope that things can be different. When we find ways to rekindle that hope, our feelings of despair lighten and we can again find the courage to take a step forward.
How do you rekindle hope? I believe there are 3 things we must do:
So, whether your feelings of despair are coming from an overwhelming health challenge in a family member, a runaway life you can’t seem to control, or feelings of loneliness that you can’t overcome, look for ways to feed and cultivate your own hope and see if your sense of despair might just begin to lighten.