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Evans Food Sensitivity Assessment for Adults
Chronic health problems of any kind can produce symptoms of stress in both the patient and the care partners. Being aware of the unique symptoms that you experience when you are feeling overwhelmed helps you be pro-active and make some changes in your life before the symptoms escalate.
The four areas where we experience the symptoms of stress are:
Take a moment to list the symptoms that you have that you think might be related to stress. What could you change today that would help you decrease these symptoms. Don’t get caught into thinking you have to make some big, significant changes as small, simple changes make a big difference. Simply sleeping in a little longer, practicing meditation, going for a walk, asking for a little help, or eating a little better can improve your resilience a lot. The most important thing you can do to decrease your stress is to find a small step forward and to take it with courage and hope. Taking a conscious and positive action to deal with your situation is the single most important thing you can do to improve how you feel.
Further Reading